Bright Shiny Moon

Bright Shiny Moon

I have fallen on the ground,
A Beagle Hound caused me to be downed.
Split are my pants, as clear as it can be,
Behind an old oak tree, I quickly flee.

Running as fast and as far as my legs could go,
Hiding high and low, already missing the status quo.
If you happen upon me, please no glance,
All I need is a chance to change my pants.

In the lightest of trumps, behind an old tree stump,
Hiding my rump, heart beating with every thump.
If you look my way, beware, do take care,
If not careful, you might see my underwear.

Running like a flash, not giving into my bash,
Falling into my neighbor’s trash,
Home soon, I hope to be,
To cover this bright shiny moon, for no one to see.

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