

I woke up to what I thought was just another day,
To my surprise this day ended in the worst possible way.
I knew something was wrong right away,
Why was my best friend not in school today?

I thought she was at school and hiding,
When really she was at home and crying.
Why now, why did he have to go,
Now he can’t watch his little girl grow.

I will be the shoulder she can lean on when shes sad,
I will be the pillow she can scream at when shes mad.
I can truly say I love her and I really care,
No matter what, I will always be there.

As he lies there still and lifeless,
My emotions I try hard not to express.
I can’t tell you what im thinking,
Or even how i feel.

I have to be strong now,
I have to help her heal,
I can not get all choked up,
I can not shed a tear.

Because I wouldn’t want her to hear,
I don’t want to make her feel more pain,
Or say something wrong to make her ashamed.

I watch her as she grabs his hand, the one she used to hold,
I watch her as she feels his head, the one she says is cold.
I hold onto her as she starts to cry,
Its so hard for her to say goodbye.

All she wants is for Daddy to come home,
She doesn’t want Mama to have to be alone.
She wishes it was over,

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