Dating is tough for a gal in the city,
Cuz brains aren’t enough and most guys just ain’t pretty.
So let’s get down to details both nitty and gritty,
And you’ll see that it needn’t always seem so shitty.
Though most guys aren’t cute,
The numbers are ample.
And it’s less overwhelming to start with a sample.
So let’s check out some options on becoming a twosome,
(And if that doesn’t work you can always just screw some.)
With a click and a drag of your mouse you’ll find guys,
Though some things are better off left to surprise.
As he sheds off his screenname of BigJew4You,
You choke back the tears as you try not to spew.
He’s a bit of a freak, it is sad but it’s true,
But the real horror is that you know you’re one too.
So to see if your true personalities mesh,
It’s safer to meet face to face, in the flesh.
When you discover there’re choices there’s always speed-dating,
Some guys are exciting, while some leave you hating.
But it’s all in good fun with the prospect of mating,
It can be quite interesting. Translation:: degrading.
Though there are many men on the streets of New York,
He might not keep kosher, aka-he eats pork,
But unless you are ready for a wedding and a stork,
You’ll be lucky to find one who knows how to fork