It is culture,
Greetings fade into thin strips.
Respect redirects to wealth in place.
Age grows old and weak,
Awaiting impatiently for distant death.
Then value flies to the west,
An ill-fated flight.
A wreck rebreeds greetings,
In various forms unknown,
We grapple with understanding renown.
This wreck is sore and sour,
And strong and tough on precious values.
Fragments of the old whole jewel,
Now in shapes foreign to us,
Swing us round in dizziness.
Understanding is impaired,
Pictures all through in distortion.
Views clash unending here,
Lines run and never meet,
Values have been devalued.
Learning let loose,
In jungles of ignorance,
Torture all who force to grab
With vacant zeal and portion.
Ever learning and never coming to knowledge.
Ethics and philosophies grow weary,
In homes of mud.
Where families last met,
A generation past,
Now lost in wild chase of wrecks.
After that’
Humility is humbled,
Then stifled and crumbled.
Blow your own trumpet echoes loud,
For none else is there.
To pull the lips apart and show your teeth.
Thought and wits are next to crash,
In eternal sleep in values weak bosom.
Right and wrong are twins so lovely,
Victors and vanquished,
Swallowed by big V,
The villain is the hero,
And the hero switches in reluctance.
Treaties and tr