Dear God in Heaven above,
Today is the day that You took someone we love.
We know that we need not worry,
Because You’re there with him, open arms in glory.
Dear God in Heaven above,
The man that stands before You was deeply loved.
Although it seems like it is the end,
Now, the memories of him shall begin.
Dear God in Heaven above,
We are here today, filled with sorrow, filled with love.
But when we look up toward Heaven, there will be relief,
Because the man before You, is in a place, free of grief.
Today is not a day of death, but rebirth,
Because he lived a long and healthy life here on earth.
So on this day, we will look back no more,
Because on this day, he’s with You, Jesus Christ our Lord.
The man that left us, he will truly be missed,
For all that knew him, know we were truly blessed.
Dear God in Heaven above,
The man that I refer to, was a husband, father, brother, grandfather, a friend of love.
When our time comes, we know we will see him again,
His image in our hearts, until then.
Dear God in Heaven above,
We pray You will guide us, see this through love.
Hold us and keep us safe in all that we do,
As we remember our Grandfather, a man so true.