

This one I’ve waited for this all my life,
finally that day, I shall strive,
Now I can live my own life,
starting doing things with less strife.

No more forty-five minute study halls,
Or spazzing out when my GPA falls.
No longer waking up before the sun,
Or attempting to make friends with everyone.

No more rushing to catch the bus,
Or worrying about projects, due dates, and much fuss.
No one dictating what to say,
“Don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t act that way.”

Bye-Bye classrooms, textbooks, and lunch-lines,
Not paying that overdue book fines.
No more CBE’s, SAT’s or proficiencies,
Goodbye alphabetical order and assigned seats.

Now I’ll be the one to choose when I eat,
Band concerts and football games, not a feat.
I won’t always have to be in a hurry,
So long science, arts, history, and math flurry.

Teachers, all determined to show me the right path,
I’ve been here over half my life, it’s all I’ve ever known.
Twelve long years, this place is my home,
It’s finally over, I can’t believe it’s blown.

It’s over… but now what am I supposed to do?
Seems like an end, but it’s a start anew.

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