Hurtful Words

Hurtful Words

When you say those hurtful things,
Shut up! And go away!
Do you ever stop to think,
How they might ruin my day?

All the very hurtful things,
That you seem to love to say,
Makes my self-esteem seem to fade,
Seem to fade away.

I lay down to go to sleep,
But all I can do is cry,
Thinking about those hurtful words,
That just make me want to die.

I get up each and every morning,
Not wanting to go to school today,
Because I am very worried,
About what hurtful things you’ll say.

Every night I kneel by my bed,
And very silently pray,
That I won’t have to listen,
To any hurtful words the next day.

After praying for me,
I very silently say,
Why ever the person is bullying,
Make the problem go away.

We don’t have to be best pals,
You don’t even need to be my friend,
All that I am gracefully asking,
Is that all the hurtful words should end.

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