I Aint Got Nothing On The World

I Aint Got Nothing On The World

As I sit on the couch and flip through channels on the TV,
I realize that the world has a lot more problems than me.
Poverty, violence, murder and death,
Junkies in the streets doing math.

Poor people using their last buck,
Just so they can go out and get messed up.
Single mothers on section 8,
Leavin their young ones home not comin home till late.

Children without food in their fridge,
People livin their life under a bridge.
Women havin sex just for the money,
Only so their kids ain’t gotta go on hungry.

People in the gulf drifting aimlessly,
People gone most of went painfully.
People up north worried about gas,
When down south they have nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Water is infected with germs and disease,
When we’re high and dry in a life of ease.
So maybe my life is not so hard,
Compared to those who are now permanently scarred.

So maybe I should just shut up and be happy,
Cause after all my life’s not so crappy.

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