I wonder how many kids are dying in third world countries
I hear sick kids coughing in what is not even a home
I see kids looking through trash to get food to fill their hunger
I want to help them get better like kids in America
I am Motivated and Caring
I pretend that I am helping them get better day by day
I feel that God put me in this world to help them
I touch the hand of the mother and tell her, everything is going to be alright
I worry that more kids will die if someone doesn’t help them
I cry when I see a kid die of disease or starvation
I am Motivated and Caring
I understand that I won’t be able to help everyone
I say that I am sorry to those that I can’t help
I dream that I am on my way to help them on a plane to Africa
I try to help sick kids in America as much as I can
I hope that I can help many kids in the future
I am Motivated and Caring