“my Mother”

"my Mother"

Who is this one that is loved and cherished?
Her love warmer than a fire,
Without her all would perish.

She is the beacon of light,
When you’re feeling sad or blue,
She’ll help make things right,
To go an extra mile for you.

She is the virtuous woman,
With a heart as strong as gold.
She teaches her children the Word of God,
And is wise, alert and bold.

She is there in time,
When confusion is adrift,
She always says the right line,
That helps the spirit lift.

She is the diamond in the rough,
The pearl in the sea,
She’s there when things get tough,
God’s gracious gift to me!

With her all goes right,
From her our purpose is driven.
Without her we lose sight,
Of this wonderful gift God has given.

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