Our Children

Our Children

These children are a treat, they can be very sweet,
But sometimes they’ll drive you up the wall,
Though we hate it when they are sad,
It makes us feel so mad,
To think maybe we were the cause of it all.

They are lots of fun and they enjoy playing games,
I know you are curious so I’ll give you their names.
The first group, let me relate,
Are Stephanie, Lakeshia, Jackie and Christian,
Helen, Monica, Christa and Ryan,
These children really are a treat.

In the second fleet,
We have Tiffany, Angel, James and Fatima,
And also here are
Danny, Christopher, Jennifer and Nakiya.
Without them, our lives would be incomplete.

Now, I know you think I’m going to stop,
Unfortunately, I can’t do that,
Because I’d leave out three little kids,
That happens to mean quite a lot.

So, let’s get this over with and done,
And then you can have your pick,
From all these wonderful little ones,
Including Helayna, Kelly and Rick.

All nineteen of them,
Are extra special you see,
If you have any doubt, just ask
Tina, Gloria, Pastor Johnson or me.

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