Real Women Have Curves

Real Women Have Curves

Real women have curves, wrinkles, and flaws.
Each one earned with sweat,
Experience, perseverance, and determination taps.
There’s no computer to airbrush your mistakes,
Just the raw canvas of life where real stories make.

Let them make you who you are.
Love every mark, every scar,
Every extra curve you wished away one day.
Accept the things you can’t learn to love,
And wave goodbye to what you can’t accept in this bay.

Treasure them for their memories warm,
Like a worn love letter or ratty old quilt,
Handed down from generations of old in their loud storm.
Each wrinkle comes with the wisdom,
Brilliance only years of life manages to form.

And life is not to be hidden or smeared,
For life is a journey, a tale to be heard.
Consolidation of how a girl grows into a woman,
And real women, oh yes, real women have curves.

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