Understanding the Slang "In Game Life" in the Gamer's World

IGL meaning
IGL stands for ‘In Game Leader.’ It is a term used in online gaming, specifically in team-based multiplayer games. The IGL is the person or player in a team who makes strategies, decisions and calls during a game match. They are essentially the ‘team captain’ in video gaming and play a crucial role in influencing the conclusions of a match.


IGL in Your Child's Slang: Understanding and Addressing Dangerous Terms

If you as a parent start noticing your child using slang that might be linked to unsafe activities such as drug use, bullying, or illegal activities, it’s advisable to immediately tackle the situation. You may consider utilizing a parental control app, which can assist in monitoring your child’s online activities. Open communication with your child about their online activities, specifically their gaming life, is crucial. This can help to understand whether the phrases are simply generalized gaming terms or are signs of dangerous behavior.


In the realm of online gaming, we use the term ‘IGL’ or ‘In Game Leader’ to refer to the player entrusted with decision-making and strategy formation for a team, much like a captain in other sports. Understanding gaming jargon like this can be crucial especially for parents, as it can help discern if your child’s gaming activities are merely recreational or potentially harmful. As parents, it’s advisable for us to keep an open line of communication about these activities and consider using parental control apps to monitor online behavior.

Test How Well You Understand Teen Slang

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What to do if you recognize your child's dangerous slang​

Keyword alert is a feature in parental control apps designed to notify parents or guardians when specific words or phrases are detected in their child's online activity. When triggered, the parental control app sends an alert to the parent's device, allowing them to promptly address any potential issues and ensure their child's online safety and well-being. We recommend adding slang related to drugs and sext to your keywords alert.

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