Something Special

Something Special

From the first time
I saw you
Twelve years ago
I knew I found something special
The friendship we had
Started out weak
But grew as we grew
Starting right then.

Walking out of the school
Laughing and holding hands
You would walk me to the bus
And as I would go to step onto the bus
Your parting words were always
“Don’t forget me Beautiful”
That’s when my feelings for you
Grew into something special.

I never mentioned my
Growing love for you
Always afraid that if
You knew you would
Take advantage of me
Or it would affect the
Friendship that we both
Found so special.

When we entered eighth grade
I couldn’t hide my feelings
Realizing that if I didn’t
Take a huge risk and express
The growing love for you
I might miss the chance
Of that love that was oh
So very special to me.

Well that chance I took
Revealed that we both
Shared feelings for each other
For the first time in my life
I felt like I actually mattered
The way you looked at me
Made me feel like the most
Special person in your life.

The first time you kissed me
It was a breathtaking experience
Leaving my knees weak
And leaving me wanting more
But we both agreed then that
We wanted to save ourselves for marriage
Knowing that our relationship would
Be even more special as we got older.

As the last day of middle school came
We walked out hand in hand
Coming to where we would part
You turned me around
Wrapping your arms around me
Pulling me in as close as you could
Whispering just before our lips touch
“Don’t forget me beautiful.”

As I walked away my eyes
Filled with tears
For I knew that that goodbye
Was different from all the others
That night we decided that our
Feelings weren’t as strong
As when we first started dating
That special feeling had faded.

Now we are no longer friends
Your choice not mine
You were so scared
Your new girlfriend would
Get mad if we stayed friends
I cry every time you walk by
And act like I don’t exist
Or as we sit with our friends
At lunch you won’t look
Right at me, you look through me
Like im not even there.
I wanted to let you know
That the day you decided you
Couldn’t be my friend
You lost the best thing to happen to you
You lost something special.

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