Spirit Of The Son

Spirit Of The Son

Spirit of the Son

The Spirit of the Son lives within us.
Beyond our soul He lies, at our being’s core.
Nested within the essence of our soul,
Exists as the network of our DNA, moreover.

Through the blood in our veins, the Spirit flows,
The bonding tissue amid our muscles it knows.
Inside our bones the marrow resides,
From Him our thoughts, the electric impulse, strides.

We’re all made in His image, beautifully so.
Not just a temple, our bodies resonate a glow.
A home where He resides they are,
A workplace for His creations, near and far.

In His character, our personality steep,
His expressions, our emotions, they seep.
His plan, our dreams, and ambitions align,
His map, our lives, our journey, to confine.

As we look inward and to our Father pray,
We nourish our Spirit, our gift from above- the way.
His reward to us is potential, in essence,
Our capability, His sacred domain’s presence.

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