Stick A Fork In Me, I’m Done!

Stick A Fork In Me, I'm Done!

Ode to the Lehnert name,
The Lehnert name is dead.
For asleep in the other room,
Lay three princesses snug in bed.

With earrings in their tender ears,
And polish on their fairy pinkies.
I checked and checked and checked again,
Yet nowhere could I find their winkies.

Oh, they’re all a little different,
But my love for them’s the same.
They owe their every feature to their genes,
And there’s no one else to blame.

My little swimmers swam with might,
But alas, they came up a little short.
No longer do I play in army forts,
But in castles of a different sort.

They’re going to grow up fast,
Their childhood won’t forever run.
When the time comes for them to date,
I’ll just have to buy a bigger gun.

Now it’s time for me to hang it up,
It’s time for me to go.
But that doesn’t mean I can’t teach,
My little princesses to catch and throw.

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