I heard a stranger whisper
To someone in the crowd,
That hundreds kids have died
In terrorist school lockout.
Somebody’s son and daughter,
So innocent, so small,
Is lying dead in blood now
Because of someone’s fun.
Some terrorist, a killer,
To me he’s not a human.
A living soul could never
Kill someone’s kids for fun.
They didn’t know the children
Who are unique and smart,
Who mean the world to someone,
A blessing from above.
Some terrorists, who are they?
And what right did they have?
How can they kill so many?
How could have they escaped?
Why didn’t anyone stop them?
God, where have you been?
Hundreds of boys and girls died,
Lord, please answer to me.
I heard the Lord, speak softly
“They’re all up here, with me.
I had to let this happen
So parents, would seek me.”
I love each single person,
I gave my life for them,
Although some don’t accept me
As savior of the world.
“I’m coming soon to get you,
To get all of my flock.
I want you to be ready,
By, having me in your life.”
I opened my eyes and saw
It’s just me in my room.
I’m praying for the parents
And I am praying for you…