Without You

Without You

For something that brings so much happiness,
How is it even possible to bring so much pain in absence?
For something that gives so much hope and wonder,
How is it even possible to take so much self and future?

For you, my little sister made this family,
They were happy with you, their little girl.
Not as happy as they are with us, their little boys,
You brought happiness foreign to this household, to this family.

Happiness so foreign that when extracted as you were,
Leaves us at loss and without understanding.
So why did you leave us? Why did you leave when you knew what you meant to us?
Why did He take you?

Did He not know what you were to us?
Did He not know that we needed you?
That they needed you? That I needed you?
When you entered into our lives it was as though everything might be okay.

He stopped drinking it all away, our lives, our money, our happiness.
She stopped crying and yelling and waiting.
They stopped looking down on us as though we were less.
Everything was good, everyone was happy.

This is not so anymore.
Now that you have left us he is back to his old ways,
She no longer smiles, no longer laughs, no longer feels.
No matter our efforts to make her happy, for without you she is unable.

You were her happiness. They look at us, as they did before,
As the poor and the neglected and full.
Nothing is as

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